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Importance of Communication in Leadership

Importance of Communication in Leadership

The importance of communication in leadership is pretty much the same as the importance of communication in any situation—it’s vital. Success in marriage, parenting, coaching, civic engagement, and many other situations depends on a high level of effective communication. In business, I’m talking about your ability to clearly engage with the people you lead in a way that helps them understand what is expected of or needed from them. Without effective communication, misunderstandings arise, mistakes are made, employees aren’t inspired, and ultimately, they don’t reach their highest potential.

Importance of Communication

There are many facets to effective communication, but at the most elementary level, simply recognizing the importance of communication it is key. As a society, we can often pay lip service to the importance of communication, but this is really where the rubber meets the road—are you willing to look at how genuinely you acknowledge and have faith in the importance of communication. Few things are as disheartening as learning about scenarios when the opportunity for success is squandered because visions, goals, or objectives haven’t been clearly communicated. Fortunes are made or lost based on leaders understanding the importance of communication at a foundational level and then working toward world-class communication.

Acknowledge the Importance of Communication

I have terrific news for you though. When you recognize and acknowledge the importance of communication in leadership, you will be well on your way to success. Even better, the ability to improve your communication skills is entirely within your own control. You can slide into the driver’s seat and take control of the process at any time. The first step is to recognize the importance of communication in leadership and then to make a commitment to intentional communication.

Making the Commitment

Like just about anything in life, making a commitment will do more to move the ball down the field than you could possibly imagine. No one ever loses fifty pounds, quits smoking, or runs a marathon without first making a commitment. When you realize the importance of communication in leadership and make a commitment to improve how you communicate, you will achieve results. In making a commitment, you’re engaging yourself in a pledge to something, and in this case, it’s to up leveling your communication skills.

Intentional Communication

When we talk about good communication, what I really mean is intentional communication. I challenge you to make a commitment to intentional communication with all of the groups you touch—your team, your customers, your organization’s leadership, company shareholders, etc. When communication is done with a purpose, it will always be more successful. Your commitment to intentional communication will pay dividends now and in the future.

In the coming weeks, we’ll continue our conversation about the importance of communication in leadership. Reach out if you’d like to chat about it; I’d enjoy hearing your ideas on this topic. Until next time, be well.


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