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The Importance Of A Change Management Communication Plan For You And Your Team

What Is A Change Management Communication Plan?

Your change management communication plan will be the framework for the lifeline you throw out to your team during times of upheaval. The COVID-19 pandemic more than likely has brought some disruption into your life, the lives of your team members, and how you operate your business. That disruption leads to uncertainty. In general, people do not like uncertainty, and undoubtedly, that’s what your team is feeling right now.

Formulating an effective change management plan and implementing it well will help to smooth out a potentially bumpy ride as your company adapts and changes over the coming months. But to simply create a change management plan and leave it at that is akin to stopping at mile 25 of a marathon. Don’t stop short! Your next step is vital. You need to effectively communicate that plan to your employees. The best way to map out that communication is to create a plan. People don’t like feeling as if...

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