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Communication Skills for Leadership

Communication Skills for Leadership

Often, I’m asked which communication skills for leadership are the most important. A companion question is frequently about a recommended list of communication skills. My answers to these questions are often: “Well, it depends. Let’s talk about you and your organization.”

In this blog series, we have already talked about the importance of communication in leadership and the role of communication in leadership. Both of those are pretty broad concepts. Once you have them nailed down, you should start to see your organization, and the communication within it, up leveling toward world class. So, now we start to look at communication in a more granular way.

What Communication Skills Should You Have?

I can’t say that there is a checklist or a certain number of skills every leader should possess or work to improve; after all, we all start from a different place. A skill you might be fantastic with, someone else might be...

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